Companies qualify for inclusion as Stationary Operations with a combined combustion capacity in excess of 20MW or are operating within clearly defined sectors.
Such companies are required to operate within agreed procedures and a permit.
SJAL offers the following consultancy services:
Initial analysis and set up
Complete full inventory of site plant and equipment to determine eligibility for inclusion in the scheme
Liaise with the Environment Agency (EA) to finalise eligibility
Subject to a requirement for inclusion, prepare the necessary paperwork for submission to the Environment Agency (UK). This would include Permit application, setting up internal procedural requirements etc.
There is a requirement to externally verified higher emissions submissions, this being organised by SJAL, a member of the team attending any audits
Annual management
Complete monthly collation of energy invoices/client meter readings forwarded by the client
Prepare monthly analysis of CO2 emissions
Submit to the client 3 interim quarterly reports (End of Q1, Q2 and Q3) Q4 report would comprise the final annual submission
Submit any annual reports to the Environment Agency, as required
Check and agree final annual performance and advise on purchase/selling or banking of allowances, if appropriate
Arrange and attend any external audits required for the scheme
Manage any changes that take place, in relation to UKETS
Visit each site during the year and provide guidance on possible energy reduction projects
Offer on-going advice, as required
Note: There are 2 forms of Permit.
Smaller emission sites may have excluded permits and are required to meet pre-determined targets.
Other sites trade allowances on the Registry.